Wednesday evening at the UTC in Didcot @ 8.30pm
Unlike our community choirs, this will be an auditioned choir, but don't let that put you off - you don't need to be a pro or necessarily have experience or read music well, just the ability to sing in tune and hold a harmony line among others! Also, you can be involved in both the community choir and the show choir, so you don't need to pick between!
Those wishing to join will need to sing a short part of a song of their choice in front of our leader Sarah (verse and chorus of any song, accompanied by backing track or piano), along with singing some scales to find out your range and check you have good tuning. The audition to join won't include any sight singing (although the ability to read music will definitely help!)
Vocalize Show Choir will mainly sing musical theatre songs as well as some more popular songs in a more 'performance' style. Sometimes songs will include movement, and if there are members that are keen to add dance, this could happen too!
This choir will cost £6 per session or £16 per month standing order. All sheet music will be provided.
Auditions can take place at flexible times, so get in touch if you'd like to get involved, as now is a perfect time to join us!
Vocalize @
UTC, Didcot
Wednesdays 7.15-8.20pm
Cost: £6 pw / £16 a month
Vocalize Community Choir is a non-auditioned choir for everyone.
No matter your taste in music or your experience (or lack of!) this choir takes a little bit of everything and a lot of fun and throws it all in to one great choir. Vocalize choir's main aim is having fun and enjoying singing with others in a relaxed and friendly community atmosphere.
Your enthusiastic, fun and passionate director Sarah will guide you through the harmonies to each song before polishing them up and then getting out and performing! Anyone over the age of 18 can join, so get in touch if you're interested or just turn up to a rehearsal!